August 24th, 2008
STORY: The Kiss of Betrayal Parallel’s the Kiss of Redemption
. . . Sleeping Beauty is inside her glass coffin . . .
The forest is a canopy surrounding the remembrance like a
funeral wake.
. . . WE are like a Sleeping Beauty, inside a glass coffin.
She is waiting for the Prince charming to kiss her awake.
Redemption, rescue, revival, mouth to mouth resuscitation (the Kiss) of rejuvenation.
Let us start the story lesson :
· I ate the poison apple, I fell into a deep trance like state of reality.
· Although my eyes (Ayin) are closed wide open, I see (Ayin) within my dormant existence, the seed of hope.
· Hope to be kissed, a hope to be loved, a hope to be worthy of affection, from the brethren.
· `Where is my bondage within this glass coffin ?`
· `Where oh soul, do I sleep with peace ?`
· `Can I hold the anger of the forum inside this glass, forever ?`
· `Will the group I call persecution, troop/clan revive me, with a kiss of life ?`
· `Or will the kiss of the Holy Spirit, be placed on my lips, for my mouth (Pe) to speak the adoration of the Father, (IHVH) ?`
. . . Help me escape my prison within these four glass panels, . . . I lay in pain.
In my pain I choose to exhibit my anger, about anger.
The anger exhibit’s my body on view, as a public staged encased corpse.
This corpse inside the wall’s of the glass coffin/casket, represent’s the cocoon or womb of transformation laying slowly dormant, for spring time.
`Will you help me ?`
`Can you help me ?`
`Would you help me ?`
`Should you help me ?`
`Wait ! . . . are you walking away, just yet ?`
`You are walking, you are running from me.`
. . . ` Yes, you are out of sight (Ayin) . . . '
. . . I am entrapped in this glass box, on human display, observation for all to see (Ayin).
`Why did you not kiss me ?`
`Am I not worthy of your compassion ?`
`How have I been appointed to be a corpse of anger, inside a container ?`
`Does the glass separate me or really protect me ?`
`Is the coma I lay asleep within, a reflection of public bondage ?`
Bondage from cruel people versus cruel people from bondage.
People cruel versus cruel people.
`Am I cruel ?`
`Are we all in bondage ?`
` Would we be cruel if we understood other people’s, bondage ?`
W a I t . . . L I S T E N . . .
I hear the horse hooves, rustling the woodland ground.
Yes, oh yes, they return . . .
Hope, Praise to God (IHVH) . . . Oh yes, I hear the horse snorting.
The P R I N C E , my Prince Jesus Christ, Oh my Prince, your kiss I have waited upon my heart, to be bestowed on my lips.
My soul delights, in your love Lord, I open my eyes (Ayin) and remember how I had my eyes (Ayin) wide shut . . . [ although, I thought they were wide open ] . . . as I am laying inside this glass coffin of anger, anger belonging to the troop called, h u m a n being’s.
` take me home, dear father, please take me home.`
I mount the white horse with my P r i n c e, we escape through the heavenly portal, to the new day of the paradise. He prepared me for the redemption, my Prince adorned me with His kiss . . .
I glance quickly . . .
. . . the glass coffin was shattered from His Holy Presence . . .
Yes, my Father came to set the captive, in the bondage, free !
In the Lord, we are free indeed . . .
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