13 Original Colonies of America
( The grave of America )
Map shows the original 13 American colonies, as well as the early meetings in local schoolhouses to plan their independence
Original 13 American colonies Christian burials were made supine east-west, with the head at the western end of the grave.
08:54 a.m., 03-25-2009, Wednesday
After evaluating the `da Vinci` medical diagram of the man with
out reaching arms and legs, I saw a very clear pattern.
This pattern is symbolic of the human form laying in a grave,
head pointed toward California, feet toward New York. The reason
Christians are buried in this ritual, is related to viewing the coming
of Christ on Judgment day. Which the following Biblical message
instructs :
Matthew 24:27
King James Bible
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
As I reflected upon the original 13 American colonies and their geography
placement on a map, I saw a symbolic placement of the 'da Vinci' diagram.
The 13 colonies are symbolic of the `feet` of America. The foundation
meaning of feet (Human anatomy), is to walk forward in the steps needed
to organize these colonies.
The original 13 American colonies [ July 4, 1776 ] are symbolic of
the geography of human anatomy of the feet. In 2009, what `States`
in America represent the anatomy of femur/thighs ?
How have the severed spiritual body parts of America become a map
system, of separated political degradation ?
1: the act or process of degrading 2 a: decline to a low, destitute, or demoralized state b: moral or intellectual decadence : degeneration
What is America's human anatomy suggesting to Christians, who await
the coming of Christ the Messiah ?
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