Message :Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre, medallion/history
Sistine Madonna, Terrified Baby Jesus, Political Scandal, Pope Julius II,
half-mad militarist,forces Raphael artist
QUOTE (crownsevenalphabet @ Sep 19 2008, 04:28 PM)
(quote from John)
You refuse to acknowledge or deny that the Papal/Roman Catholic Inquisitions
were burning Christians at the stake
centuries before anyone was labeled a "Protestant".
Guess your not spiritually alert enough to realize it is a significant fact.
Ok, so be it. I won't bother you any more [if you stay quiet]
It is indeed a historical fact about the 'Inquisitions'.
Here is a message I received from the Holy Spirit about the St. Bartholomew Day
Massacres . . . so stand corrected, on your assumption of my knowledge and spiritual discernment in these matters ! The Lord has revealed this to me with a purpose. That purpose is not for me to act like both Protestant/Catholic do not have bloody hands throughout history :
OF THIS MASSACRE OR ITS DETAILS IN HISTORY. The Holy Spirit told me to write these
things, then I researched the words and phrases . . .
Praise His Holy Name (IHVH)
The medallion was based on the m a s s a c r e s happening on
St. Bartholomew's Day. [ with Pope approval ]
And Saturday January 6th, 2007 . . . I was given the MESSAGE
that gave me the clues about a medallion and name :
Here is the research, that I emailed about my message, that I shared
with a dear friend.
The massacres on St. Bartholomew's Day are painted in the royal saloon of the Vatican at Rome, with the following Latin inscription:
Pontifex, Coligny necem probat which means - The pope approves of Coligny's death.
Therefore, the medal could only be designed to celebrate the success of this plot - the massacre of the people represented on the back of the medal.
Subject: Patron Saints Index: Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Date: 1/7/2007 5:38:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
To: bclarkgemetria@aol.com
Betty C. Clark, Saturday January 6th, 2007: MESSAGE
_______duties @inquisition:
To question; to force affirmation; to insist upon penitence for
acts of heresy
The witness who declares who is truthful to the Church foundation
belief; forced sanctification up to death; to save the very soul
verse deadly exchange.
"The Confession", warrents acceptance of the sinner that their
transgression must be spoken out loud to a witness "group".
The lack of confession is judged as an infidel category.
The Medallion grants choice in life or death doctrine. The manuscripts
are read as the medallion is placed around ________ neck. These
scripts list the body tally[#] of sacrificial executions.
The "ceremony" of the medallion is the honor of Catholicism
service award, of a "Faithful Penitence Judge". Each diadem
etched on the locket, represents the saved souls of pergatory
through "execution" of the persons heresy on earth.
These are your words _______:
{The Execution Sentence } :
. . .By thy words justified, by thy words I condemn ye to death, in
the name of Holy Mother Church Credence.
[drawing of medallion on original paper] with this message:
Thus the mental idea that all inquisition applicants sin and
should confess to the church peers.
Intolerance of radical doctrine.
The Jewish of Spain timeframe ________?
was this close to Spanish inquisition ? Search names of Catholic Churches with Mary in Title.
Was this a Jesuit destructive act ?
The end of message~
[ printed exactly as I was told to write
it, until I found the supporting research ]
Monday 1-8-07 . . . all the above proved correct in history
files and web links.
The Jesuit were the Roman Catholic order who forced
the information from Jewish people . . .
And the medallion was a memorial connected to inquisition:
Therefore, the medal could only be designed to celebrate the success of this plot - the massacre of the people represented on the back of the medal.
The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre---not exactly a subject the average person knows much about these days. But, a VERY important part of French and European history nonetheless. The history teacher in me will now BRIEFLY take over: Like England, there was a lot of tension between the Protestants (Hugenots) and Catholics during the 16th century. However, unlike Henry VIII's ultimate decision to break from the Catholic Church, the French pretty much wiped out the Hugenots--those who were not killed fled abroad. Up until St. Bart's Day, there had been tension but eventually the king granted religious freedom to all. This was not to last, as a conspiracy was hatched and on St. Bart's Day, thousands of Hugenots were murdered. To commemorate this event, the Pope issued a special medallion and ordered a celebration. Not exactly one of the finer moments in human history.
Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of, murder of French Protestants, or Huguenots, that began in Paris on Aug. 24, 1572. It was preceded, on Aug. 22, by an attempt, ordered by Catherine de' Medici, on the life of the Huguenot leader Admiral Coligny. The failure of the attempt led to formulation of the plan for a general massacre. The opportunity was furnished by the presence in Paris of many of the Huguenot nobility for the wedding of Henry of Navarre (later King Henry IV) and Catherine's daughter, Margaret of Valois. Involved in the scheme were the duc d'Anjou, later King Henry III; Henri, 3d duc de Guise (see under Guise); and the reluctant King Charles IX. Coligny was the first victim; his death was followed by the killing of minor leaders and of all Huguenots within reach of the soldiery and the mob. The massacre continued even after a royal order to stop, and it spread from Paris into other sections of France. Massacres continued into October reaching the provinces of Rouen, Lyons, Bourges, Orleans, and Bourdeaux. An estimated 3,000 were killed in Paris, 70,000 in all of France. News of the massacres was welcomed by the Pope and the King of Spain. Protestants, however, were horrified, and the killings rekindled the hatred between Protestants and Catholics and resulted in the resumption of civil war (see Religion, Wars of).
Pope Gregory XIII ordered a Te Deum to be sung as a special thanksgiving (a practice continued for many years after) and had a medal struck with the motto Ugonottorum strages 1572 showing an angel bearing a cross and sword next to slaughtered Protestants.[5] He also commissioned the artist Giorgio Vasari to paint three murals in the Sala Regia depicting the wounding of Coligny, his death, and Charles IX before Parliament. "The massacre was interpreted as an act of divine retribution; Coligny was considered a threat to Christendom and thus the pope designated 11 September 1572 as a joint commemoration of the Battle of Lepanto and the massacre of the Huguenots".[6]
Protestant countries were horrified at the events, and only the concentrated efforts of Catherine's ambassadors prevented the collapse of her policy of remaining on good terms with them.[citation needed] Elizabeth I of England's ambassador to France at that time, Sir Francis Walsingham, barely escaped with his life. [7] Even Tsar Ivan the Terrible was horrified at the carnage and issued an official protest on the Huguenots' behalf.
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