DREAM: 4 Christmas Cards, 2012, Holy Dance upon Hill
This morning Monday, 1-19-2009, I was dreaming about my grandmother
Arizona. She was opening four Christmas cards, all four identical with
green glitter and a red ribbon running across each card. The four
cards are four upcoming Christmas Holidays : 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
And represent also my siblings, ( four of us, 2 boys+2girls ).
As I viewed a hill with a Church at the top, ( not a mountain, `a hill` ), she
told me to watch for the ant bed's all up and down this hillside. As I
walked up the hill the ant bed's were open hole dirt socket's, working
alive with active stinging ant's. Grandmother was teaching me where
to place my foot, each step I made up the hill, so I would not disturb the
ant's and be stung. The church had visitor's coming and going.
Some were relatives I knew, other's I did not know. Grandmother was
teaching me the difference's in spiritual dancing to the Lord. She wanted
me to understand the Holy Dance unto the Lord, separated from the
unholy dancing.
I woke from the dream, knowing that the next four Christmas Season's
until 2012, that I will visit a Church on the Hill, I will perform a Holy Dance
unto the Lord, I will avoid the ant sting's as I journey upward during this four year
hill climb, my feet will be guided with protection.
Did not David dance before the Lord: II Samuel 6:14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might, clad in a linen ephod [a priest's upper garment]. Does not the scripture encourage us to praise His name in dance (Psalm 149:3 Let them praise His name in the dance: Let them sing praises unto Him with timbrel and harp)
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