Manifestation : GODDARD Angel Visitation
. . . in October 2001, a 10 year associate named Jeff G., worked
seven days a week never taking off time, died. He went into the
hospital, 6 weeks later he was sent home to die from cancer.
No warning, never sick.
. . . . Jeff G. had been in prison, he went through re-habilitation plus
with the help of a good church wife and 2 adoring sons, helped his transformation. A hard working husband and family man.
His wife and I discussed this following story . . .
I visited Jeff G. in Georgia Hospital, October 2001. I delivered a
small 8 inch angel figurine, as a gift to him. As I prayed for him, with
even the room nurse in silence, I told him " Jeff, I will place this angel
across the room from the foot of your bed, so you can see her ".
" When you have a sad day, you can remember this prayer and God's love
for you and my love for you ." Last thing I said, " Do not forget about
your angel, Jeff ". He said, " Oh no, I will not forget ".
Jeff's wife told me later, after his death, that in their home curio cabinet
were a little girl and little boy angel figurines. And when Jeff came home
to die from the cancer, he placed his angel I gave him on the shelf
inside the curio with the little girl and little boy figurines. These two
figurines represented him and his wife, as former sentimental gift's.
On the night that the ambulance transported his body out of the home,
his wife screamed out . . . ' Oh my goodness, all three figurines are facing
backward's inside the curio cabinet '.
Everyone turned to look and were all amazed to see these three
figurines, turned facing away from Jeff's foot of the bed.
Jeff's wife explained, how he would talk about the angel I brought him
and they discussed many days during the 6 weeks, prior to his
departure how he enjoyed seeing the 3 figurines in the curio cabinet.
They were all three facing toward Jeff, so he could from his hospital
bed see them at the end of his feet, the cabinet flush to the wall.
She told me, she spoke to a minister who told her, " They turned
away from the angel of death, to demonstrate the connection Jeff had
for his loved ones ".
The minister explained, " The powerful loving memories of the meaning
of the figurine gift's was to much to witness the angel of death, at the
moment Jeff departed ". And the sign of the rotated 3 figurines
was to make sure his family knew he was making the journey indeed,
with his real assigned angel of the Lord.
. . . Several family member's witnessed this event, it was told at his
funeral to the audience at his church.
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