PENNY, stories
1999 DNA Dream, Parallel’s 1999 Penny
June 27th, 2008, I started to get into my vehicle, after my 1400 shift was over, to drive home. I saw a penny `tails up`, laying on my driver’s seat of the vehicle. I put this penny into my white uniform shirt pocket, on the right. At the apartment I placed the penny in my bathroom area. Not until Sunday, June 29th, 2008, did I examine this penny and discover a 1999 date.
As I got dressed for my 0600 a.m. shift, @ work, I placed this penny a 2nd time inside my uniform right shirt pocket.
This is the parallel story of my dream of 1999, DNA ladder of science versus the story of the 1999 Penny.
Continuance of : The 1999 Penny, story
Everyone has heard the phrase, `Pennies from heaven`. We have also heard the public wives tale and folk lore of picking up a penny `heads-up`, is good luck. And picking up a penny `tails-up`, give it to a friend and its good luck to both of you.
It is common knowledge regarding both of these cultural superstitious oral stories, about the coin `the penny`.
My Best Friend, SSG
And I would not be paying attention to the symbol of the penny, without including my best friend, SSG.
( I will discuss my personal parallel connection to my dream in 1999 versus the 1999 penny, later in this story )
SSG has been reporting for several years, the finding of pennies at her home. Which I accepted as a sign, she confirms to be a signal about God (IHVH). I will not speak for her in reference to her belief in these matters. However, I do believe what she has shared with me, about the penny.
Recently, during the month of June 2008, several former messages both SSG and I received in spiritual matters, have been revealed and described into viable shields of faith. Two of the messages are related to my experiences dating back to 1994.
2008 minus 1994, equals 14 years ago.
2008 minus 1999, equals 9 years ago.
The interesting point of finding a 1999 penny, Friday, June 27th, 2008, inside my vehicle is not rare nor unique.
The rare and unique aspect, is what 1999 means.
~ to read the full story visit :
July 15th, 2008
While walking my dog, I found a 1977 penny on the pavement. Seemed
nothing out of the ordinary on a July 10th, 2008, by finding a not very well
preserved COIN.
Then as I examined the COIN, I decided since 1977 was linked to my
High School Class Year, to research the value of a 1977 Penny.
Review the following coin research results . . .
Title : What is the value of a 1977 penny that is made of steel ?
What is the value of a 1977 penny that is made of steel?
In: Coins and Currency
Since there were none minted from steel that year, I would have to assume it is either plated (with silver, zinc, or nickel) which has no collector value, or it was minted on a foreign planchet, which would be worth about $50
You can verify that it is not steel by trying to stick it to a magnet. If it does not stick, then it is not steel.
So I used a magnet to determine, that indeed the coin I had found
is `not` sticking to the magnet.
And I said to myself, " Well, it could have been worth $50.00 " ?
And I just kept this bent little 1977 penny, on my desk.
I said, " Have we disregarded a long time ago, a walk with the Lord,
commissioned to a `mission` by divine purpose ? "
In rethinking the parallel's I began to see, " What we have thought was
no longer relevant for use in spiritual support, holding no monetary value,
has been disregarded ".
Out of Gas, Exit #14 : The 2007 Penny
Driving down 575 North, I knew with the present fuel/gas ration’s that the next
exit hopefully, would be the one not out of gas.
The night previous a city police officer, told me that the police vehicle’s were on
limited fill-up based on every two day gas ration’s, with limited patrol duties to
conserve gas.
After trying several gas service stations, I was nervous about the gas gauge setting on
the `E`.
Bingo, @11:15 a.m., 09-30-08, the Race Trac #350 sold me $40.oo of fuel, after
I waited in line for my turn at the pumps. As I pumped my gas, I was thinking about how taken for granted that fuel was always flowing and available. Not until this lack of an option for buying fuel for my vehicle, did I really realize what a privilege it was to fuel up my vehicle. I looked down on the parking lot pavement of the gas station and saw a penny that was scratched from all the cars running over it.
To busy and in a hurry, I folded the gas receipt around this 2007 Penny.
The thought of soon writing about the gas crisis, connected to this distorted penny
was stored in the back of my mind. So five days later, here I am thinking about that terrible feeling of the potential of being on the interstate stranded without gas, that was voided from happening.
Thinking about today October 5th, 2008, versus a year ago in 2007 . . . ( since, the penny
was minted in 2007 ) . . . I am reflecting upon what 2007 unfolded during these
12 months. Last October 2007, I was still living in a black mold infested home, not aware of the danger to my health that was pending my pulmonary shut-down February 2008.
And with the upcoming Festival of the Booths/Tabernacles, I have considered recently
that indeed, the temporary dwelling of the 40 years in the wilderness by Israel, on their
way to the promised land . . . reminds me of my temporary dwelling in my apartment
versus my house.
In anticipation of the October 9th, 2008, `Day of Atonement`, I understand more in 2008, than 2007, how our health needs guarded against impurities. Also our spiritual gas gauges, need to be monitored if running low to offset being stranded without our oil lamps ready, for the Lord’s return.
May the 40 days of these High Holidays, be celebrated with sanctification in mind.
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