Yesterday morning, 5:30 a.m., October 3rd, 2008 :
As I was contemplating the message of the treasure chest, driving to work I began to understand
the difference's between these two words :
() tangible
() intangible
1 a: capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : palpable b: substantially real : material2: capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind
1 a: incapable of being felt by touch : intangible
The message was clear, that I must in my human education, learning, study and knowledge CUT the
cords of tangible understanding in these areas, to release the intangible gift's of the spirit of healing
and laying on of hands, anointing with oil cloth.
Meaning, each tangible item must be sacrificed and/or crucified/circumcised to allow the HOLY GHOST to operate in the intangible/impalpable arena of HEALING.
I was taught during that drive to work, that OUR learning process builds a foundation of sets of covenants and Biblical principles, that must be torn down and layed at the alter of the Lord. OUR MINDS MUST BE LAYED AT THE ALTER OF THE LORD.
Upon the cutting of these cords, the bound is released and the HOLY GHOST then operates through
us as vessel's under intangible ( not readily discerned by the mind ).
WE ARE SAVED in our hearts through free will acceptance.
WE ADVANCE into the healing gift's of the Holy Ghost (the comforter), upon our progressive steps
from TANGIBLE ( sense of touch ) . . . unto the releasement of bondage of the sense of touch, to
allow the operation of the Holy Ghost to ignite in us the flame of INTANGIBLE ( not readily discerned
by the mind ) . . .
This level of anointing is where the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostolic_Age APOSTOLIC AGE,
connects (Vau) to the end times prophecy of the following gifts of the Holy Ghost :
Acts 2:17
King James Bible
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
If you have read to this point, and are still concerned with the Apostolic Age in 2008, take a look at
the chapter of Acts two (2) and the verse number seventeen (17) . . .
Remember this topic recently with the gematria of the dream with dice having the 712/217 ?
I find this interesting in confirmation of HumbleBob and JamieNormand in their presentations regarding
the 712, versus Acts 2:17 which parallel the purification/sanctification DAY OF ATONEMENT, 10-09-08,
to prepare the vessel for the Holy Ghost to operate under the INTANGIBLE MESSAGE of healing.
712, Inspired to pray about a dream I had
Praise His Holy Name (IHVH)
As New born babes, we have our cords cut . . . to breathe air for the first time into our lungs . . .
then we under our rebirth, take the tangible birth, which transforms into the intangible operation
of the gift of the Holy Spirit anointing with healing through us as new vessels :
Spiritually, the time from Rosh HaShanah to Shemini Atzeret (a Sabbath), is seen as a time of or a state of "pregnancy." We are pregnant with a "hope!" It is hope that G-d brings to us who have a New Birth. Our old sin filled soul has now passed the birth canal into the light of G-d's true "Light," Messiah the Light of the world. Believers in Messiah have a "Hope" of the coming of our L-rd on Rosh HaShanah, to take Himself a Bride made ready.
Let the Bride be made ready, let the anointing of the Holy Ghost operate among the vessels. Amen !
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